Super Clinic & Master Class w-Kurt @Brewster Ice Arena (12 player limit): Monday August 21st - Friday August 25th - 9 am to 3 pm
New Kurt Nichols Power Skating Clinic!

Super Clinic & Master Class w/Kurt @Brewster Ice Arena (12 player limit)
Monday August 21st - Friday August 25th - 9 am to 3 pm
Quick Details
- Price: $1510.00
- Rink: Brewster
- Date: Monday August 21st - Friday August 25th - 9 am to 3 pm
- Link: Click to register
Brewster Ice Arena
63 Fields Ln, Brewster, NY 10509
Dates:Monday Friday
8/21, 8/22, 8/23, 8/24, 8/25
9 am to 3 pm
Open To:
2012 and older (Limited to 12 players)
- 1 On ice Power skating session
- 1 On ice Total Skills session
- 1 off ice session w/slide board and stickhandling training
- 1 individual video analysis
- 1 On Ice Master Class w/Coach Kurt
- Limited to 12 players
- 4 hours of ice a day
- 50 minutes of off ice training w/sideboard sessions
This program is designed for the athlete ready to take their game to the next level. The program is limited to 12 players. Please reach out to Kurt directly via email to see if this program is right for you.